Thursday, October 17, 2019

"The Incorporation of the Hospital into Modern Technology...." (3rd lecture)

3rd lecture: “The Incorporation of the Hospital into Modern Technology”

The medicalized hospital dates from the end of the eighteenth century
·         Exemplar of the investigations of/into hospitals in 1760s, which had three characteristics:
o   Reform and reconstruction
o   Transformation from monumental to functional description of hospitals, as well as a description of “the state of cleanliness”
o   Inquiries conducted by doctors, not architects
§  Hospital as a mechanism of cure is the effect/result of these inquiries
·         MF poses a hypothetical objection: the perennial hypothesis that hospitals have always been dedicated to curing (cf. to the perennial hypothesis about the prison in D&P)
·         MF will “express a series of objections to that hypothesis”
o   MF argues for a crucial distinction between medicine and hospital (cf. to the punishment and prison distinction in D&P)
Prior to the 18th c.:
·         Hospital was a place to gather and assist to the poor, and was an institution of exclusion
·         Medicine was an individualistic enterprise: individuals (rather than diseases) were cured
·         Medical intervention revolved around a concept of crisis
·         There was nothing in the medical practice that organized knowledge
How did the hospital become medicalized in the 18th c.?  (The causal question of why.) (144)
·         The “principal factor” was “annulment of the negative effects of the hospital” [??? this is perhaps an odd category of analysis for MF to be using]
o   An effect of purifying the hospital of its harmful effects and disorder
·         Reform began in maritime and military hospitals in the 17th century (145)
o   Economic vector
o   Quarantine vector
o   Maritime and military hospitals became a model
How did this reorganization come to be carried about?  (The technical question of how.) (146)
·         Short answer: discipline (as a “political technology”)
o   Not invented but elaborated [not origin but emergence]
o   Not isolated but “perfected” [by which he must mean not isolated but diffuse]
What is it that arises in this period?  [I.e., what is discipline?  An archaeological description] (146)
·         Characteristics:
o   A fourfold list of characteristics:
§  “An art of spatial distributions” – above all, an analysis of space
§  Control over not “the results of an action but on its development”
§  A constant and perpetual surveillance
§  Continuous registration
o   Contrast the fourfold list of discipline in D&P (which is maybe not a problem b/c it’s a different field of inquiry):
§  Art of distributions
§  Control of activity
§  Organization of time
§  Composition of forces
·         Basic instrument:
o   The examination [MF doesn’t say much about it here]

MF’s central claim: introduction of disciplinary mechanisms + displacing of medical intervention allowed its medicalization (148)
·         Displacement of intervention:
o   From crisis in health to intervention in environment
·         Introduction of disciplinary mechanisms
o   As described above.

Now we can understand several characteristics of the hospital (149)
·         Localization of hospital and internal distribution of space
·         Transformation of system of power in the heart of the hospital
·         Permanent and complete records that register whatever occurs; “a collection of documents”
o   [But how diffuse is this?]

All of this leads to the formation of the clinic as a site for the organization and transmission of medical knowledge (151)

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