Friday, April 1, 2016

Deleuze on Foucault two essays

The group began, as per usual, by sharing questions:

1) Can we diagram GD's various lists of different elements of MF's thoguht?  E.g., strata, strategy, sub-stratum (242)

2) Role of the subject in subjectivation (341-2)?  How does subjetiation oppose codification (257)?

3) Diff b/w a theory of descriptions and a theory of utterances (252)?

4) GD notes the relation between 'reason' and 'subject' in MF (p. 343 "What is a Dispositif?").  Can we discuss?

5) What does GD mean in calling MF "a pragmatist"?

6) Curves - temporal or conceptual? (354)

7) Strata - are historical formation both empirical and positive.  What are their temporalitiy? (242)

8) What is the temporality of a history of apparatuses? (339)

Then we turned to discussion:

Foucault's strata - archaeology - Savoir - or historical formations made of facts.  They are made up of words and things.

Foucault's strategy - outside - Pouvoir - social fields strategize and never get structured, as it were, from the outside (249)

Foucault's substratum - genealogy - inside - subjectivation
Foucault's Kantianism

Deleuze's spinozism (contra hegelianism) - nothing is hidden (245).

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