Thursday, October 29, 2015

Week 5 The Means of Correct Training

1.    the system of oppression specifically through the gaze
2.    page 181  links between indulgences, the good/bad scale, truth, and individual
3.    difference between the circle and the pyramid and the significance of the head of the pyramid
4.    177 what kind of a whole is constituted by the apparatus of disciplinary power and how do we figure this whole if we are to try to map out the whole, what would that look like
5.    191
6.    183 distinction between penality of norm and penality of law.  How is F. conceptualizing norm?  What must a norm be for law not to fall under it as a species? What is Foucault’s concept of norm?
7.    185 “it is not simple at level of consciousness….” Ideology of human sciences.  Circulations of knowledge and power and the method.
8.    What he means by “epistemological thaw?”
9.    Relationship between disciplinary power and biopower?

     Difference between law and norm page 184 “how power of norm functions…”
     F. using word norm differently than how we use it in contemporary philosophy.  using it to talk about the middle point of an average
     the norm is normal
     a way that discipline functions because you want to be normal
     treatment of law 183 distinction between belief in natural law developed by norms and changed by practice
     imposition of human sciences
     the gaze as a normalizing power
     gender neutral bathrooms
     freak shows, the pleasure in looking
     the mean defining the outliers 184
     normalizing gaze - examination
     examination in school differs from doctor examining
     normalizing relation, the gaze of the teacher/doctor established relation with other person who comes under the scrutiny
     Bentham - legal positivism (opposite of natural law - attempt to derive true laws by divine or scientific inquiry)
     not always good to be norm (ex. school, want an A+, not average grade)
     how would we specify this difference?
     the law the norm fills the  field because no matter where you are, you show up on the curve.  the law does not. you always stand out when you break the law
     we think of statistics as turning you into a number and taking away your individuality
     normalizing, everyone gets individuated in a different way
     192-194 explains positive definition of power and notion of individualization
     exhaust data comes out of the relationship between the examiner and examinee that comes back into crafting the norm.
     intentionality in data collection?
     bottom 190 opens up two correlative
     difference in degree or difference in kind?
     anachronism?  inscriptions on files, no mention of information or data at this time.  those concepts are so powerful today but not available during his time. Techniques precede data.
     technology of writing accompanies examination. documents, files, have historicity prior to our own concept of these technologies in modern times
     dynamic relationship between algorithm and individual. produce population management strategies that feeds back into the individual
     process of individualization
     not telling story of how norms change or what kind of individuals this process makes
     cant think of norms as mathematical number, it is a whole process that circulates through 185 on technology
     is he telling story of how normalization of political investment
     epistemological thaw 185
     what is the valence of the term knowledge in this passage
     does it make it possible to know things we didn’t know before or does it make it possible to have a whole other category of knowledge that we didn’t have before?
     doctor as technician versus doctor as healer
     organization - epistemological thought in medicine
     different in kind and in degree.  difference in categorization
     in French (un blocking, unfreezing de-blocking)
     circulates knowledge differently
     thaw - remove dogmatic, allow for change
     discipline maintains power by arranging objects 187
     two kinds of power: power to restrict or power to discipline but also positive power
     is this idea in discipline and punish?  it is present in Foucault’s other works
     Spinoza has similar distinction
     Foucault distinguishes two modes of knowledge
     depth power over surface powers
     not in terms of positive or negative power
     what increases/decreases the capacity of the body
     power produces reality
     discipline, can we describe it in negative terms?
     no, discipline is productive
     sovereign power can be productive
     disciplinary power doesn’t operate reductively
     deduction and repression are terms he comes back to
     we shouldn’t always see power as repressive
     production include negative repressing power, it produces knowledge, the multiplicity of it could include deduction
     ontological claim?
     power is productive and producing the individual, but not in a mysterious ontological sense, but is productive of one kind of object, which produces files, which produces other individuals. We tend to think individuals are more interesting than files, things with dignity
     humble technicians with instruments and devices
     is there a distinction between individuals and subjects
     what power means, way in which certain actions modify others. power exists only when it is put into actions. power does not function or consent in itself. transference of power to a few. relationship of power can be result of prior or permanent consent. (The Subject in Power)
     subject connotes agency whereas individual can be numerical distinction
     importance of writing on 192
     heroization. objectification and subjection
     subjection - subjectiviation - connotation with subjection in English, but subjectiviation is also the process of making a subject. a double process of making a subject that is bound to itself or subjected to who it is. a life as being repressed.  productive of the subject.
     subject is bound to the limits of its own constitution
     the whole is absolutely indiscreet and discreet p 177
     176 insidious extension by means of surveillance disciplinary power…
     mechanism, integrated system, network of relations
     177 functions like a piece of machinery
     apparatus as a whole, indiscrete and discrete functionality
     how does is form a whole and what kind of whole is it?
     the mean as discrete and indiscrete
     the power in the school, shift to disciplinary forms of power
     the whole in terms of production of subjecthood, power doesn’t work just when boss is on the floor, but norms are established that all abide by
     the whole as whatever institution he is discussing
     174 pyramid system as uninterrupted network - the whole
     rules become apart of ones own subjecthood
     discrete means it is silent
     a localized whole
     the worry over the constitution of the limits over the boundary of the whole. disciplinary power is everywhere phenomenon
     analysis through modality of economics
     surveillance as economic operator
     same techniques at work, makes seamless movement into economics

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