Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Term Readings

Post suggestions for Winter Term readings here...


  1. We will pick approximately nine readings for the Winter term via a dot-vote. Here are my suggestions in no particular order. If you can't join our meeting tomorrow (12/7) but want to chime in, please add your suggestions below, as well as any comments on anything you think is a 'must-read' piece.

    Stephen Collier, "Topologies of Power"

    Paul Rabinow, tbd

    Todd May, Genealogy of Neoliberalism Part I

    Ladelle McWhorter, Genealogy of Neoliberalism Part II

    Kevin Olson, work on a genealogy of French and Haitin liberalism (if we can get a copy)

    Andrew Dilts, "From Entrepreneur of the Self to Care of the Self" (manuscript) plus "Michel Foucault meets Gary Becker"

    Michael Behrent, "Liberalism without Humanism"

    Hamann, "Neoliberalism, Governmentality and Ethics" (online at Foucault Studies)

    Thomas Lemke? on 79 CdF lectures

    Michael Peters? on 79 CdF lectures



  2. Stephen Skowronek, "The Reassociation of Ideas and Purposes: Racism, Liberalism, and the American Political Tradition"

    John Gunnell, "The Archaeology of American Liberalism"
