Monday, April 2, 2018

Spr Term Schedule

Meetings are Wed from 1:30 to 3:00.

Wk 1 - Laura Smithers, "A History of the Present of Student Success" - Colin commentator
Wk 2 - Bonnie Sheehey, "Reparative Critique: Care and Normativity in Foucauldian Genealogy" - Zeinab commentator
Wk 3 - Zeinab Nobowati, "Self-Practices as Forms of Resistance: Towards a Genealogical Ethics" - Bonnie commentator
Wk 4 - Amy Nigh, "Genealogy through the Decolonial Turn" - Rebekah commentator
Wk 5 - Patrick Jones, "History of Electronic Voting Machines in India" - Claire commentator
Wk 6 - Rebekah Sinclair, "A Genealogy of Vector Biology" - Valerie commentator
Wk 7 - Claire Pickard, "A Genealogy of Choice & Life in U.S. Abortion Rhetoric" - Laura comment
Wk 8 - Valerie Simon, "TBD" - Amy commentator
Wk 9 - Colin Koopman, "Information before Information Theory: the Genealogy of  Infopolitics" - Patrick commentator

Format: Send a paper to the whole group one week in advance (restrict yourself to a 10,000 word limit -- you can send a longer document but please clearly indicate at the head which pages approximating 10,000 words you want people to read).  Everyone is expected to read every wekk's paper.  Each session will begin with a very brief 5-7 minute overview of the paper by the commentator followed by a question or two by the commentator.  We will then go around in a circle and everyone else will pose a question or comment.  We will then turn to group discussion, with the focus being on how the paper can be improved rather than a q&a style interview of the author.

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