Monday, September 22, 2014

2014-15 Focus: Beyond Biopolitics

Our theme for 2014-15 will be "Biopolitics and Beyond" and our format will be a little different this round.  As we enjoy the good fortune of having Nicolae Morar back at UO this year, our focus for the Fall term will be Dr. Morar's grad course titled "Biopower: Foucault and Beyond" (for information on the class go here: Participants this year will participate in (take for credit or informally attend) this class (but if you are really eager to participate in Wtr/Spr but cannot attend Dr. Morar's course due to a scheduling conflict, email me, and we'll see if we can work out an alternative).

In the Winter we will meet approximately weekly to discuss recent texts in the emerging 'beyond biopower' literature.

In the Spring we will aim to convene once again a more workshop-and-charette style environment where participants share their work and where we may once again skype in a visitor or two who is doing front-edge work in this area.

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