CGC will be meeting again this year with a focus on questions of "Methods" and "Historiographies". Our plan, roughly, is as follows:
* Fall 2013 -- readings from the late 60s and early 70s on method; meetings Thursdays at 2p
* Winter 2014 -- Foucault's 1971 CdF lectures, "Lectures on the Will to Know" (in its entirety)
* Spring 2014 -- workshop on shared problems in collaborators' own research projects
We will have a kickoff meeting on Wed Oct 2nd at 3:30p in SCH 250A (Colin's office); meetings thereafter will be every Thursday at 2:00p in SCH 211B. We will not meet on Thurs Oct 24th (due to the SPEP conference).
Tenative reading schedule for the Fall term:
Wk 2 - Oct 10 - The Order of Things (1966), pp. ix-xxiv, 17-25, 50-58
Wk 3 - Oct 17 - The Order of Things (1966), pp. 71-78, 217-221, 236-250 (tough going, just slog through it), 303-312, 344-348, 386-7
Wk 4 - Oct 24 - no meeting - go to Foucault panels at SPEP
Wk 5 - Oct 31 - The Archaeology of Knowledge (1969), selections tbd, ?pp. 31-39, 178-195
Wk 6 - "The Discourse on Language" (i.e., "The Order of Discourse") (1970)
Wk 7 - Foucault/Derrida debates
Wk 8 - Foucault/Derrida debates
Wk 9 - Nov 28 - Thanksgiving
Wk 10 - "Nietzsche, Genealogy, History" (1971)? CdF 71 lectures?